
Abidjan Felix Houphouet-Boigny Airport (ABJ) Arrivals Board

Local time: 21:15:40
Time Date IATA Origin Flight Airline Status
Previous flights
21:20 04 Dec LOS Lagos P47770 Air Peace Unknown
21:20 04 Dec LOS Lagos P47778 Air Peace Unknown
21:40 04 Dec ORY Paris SS984 Corsair Estimated 22:06
22:40 04 Dec CDG Paris AF704 Air France 2 Estimated 22:50
22:40 04 Dec CDG Paris DL8222 Delta Estimated 22:50
22:40 04 Dec CDG Paris KL2390 KLM Estimated 22:50
23:50 04 Dec ALG Algiers AH5318 Air Algerie Unknown
01:00 05 Dec COO Cotonou TK559 Turkish Airlines 1 Scheduled
01:00 05 Dec COO Cotonou SQ6231 Singapore Airlines Scheduled
03:20 05 Dec CMN Casablanca AT533 Royal Air Maroc 5 Scheduled
03:20 05 Dec CMN Casablanca AA7985 American Airlines Scheduled
03:20 05 Dec CMN Casablanca AZ6148 ITA Airways Scheduled
03:20 05 Dec CMN Casablanca BA8442 British Airways Scheduled
03:20 05 Dec CMN Casablanca IB7662 Iberia Airlines Scheduled
03:20 05 Dec CMN Casablanca QR4513 Qatar Airways Scheduled
03:45 05 Dec ADD Addis Ababa ET947 Ethiopian Airlines Estimated
07:50 05 Dec BEY Beirut ME577 Middle East Airlines Scheduled
11:30 05 Dec JFK New York ET513 Ethiopian Airlines Scheduled
Felix Houphouet-Boigny
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Flight arrival tracker for Abidjan Felix Houphouet-Boigny Airport (ABJ)

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is a compilation of data from many different sources including flight scheduling systems, airline booking systems, airports, airlines and other third-party data providers. The data is provided as is, there are no guarantees that the information is fully correct or up to date. Changes and errors may occur. Therefore Avionio.com cannot be held liable either for the accuracy of the information or for ensuring that the information is up to date at all times. Some of the flights presented may be charter, cargo, ambulance or other types of flights not available for passenger travel.

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